Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hanalei for my foot

Crocs Hanalei (neutral/jade)
Love it! So light on my foot, feels like I am not wearing wedges.

"Thanks for my new Crocs Hanalei, babe", I told the hubby when my wedge sandals/shoes arrived in mail today. He said, "alright", again? I just gave him my cutest smile with tantalizing eyes. He laughed so hard and really gave his YES to refund my money that I used when I bought my shoes.

And tonight when he came home for a 30-minute-break, I told him that I want another pair but in color blue on payday. He didn't complain which means yes. Weeeeeeeee! I will have another pair of crocs Hanalei. So perfect for spring and summer. Another addition to my shoe collection, too.

Hey, before you think that I am spending much of my husband's money, I'd like to give you a head's up that it's not. I barely ask him to buy my clothes and accessories. He is not selfish but I know how to grasp situations. If it's not important, I never say a single word, though, he is so giving and gives me allowance every payday. Great enough to thank him for being him.

On my payday from paid blogging, I will be buying one more pair of crocs to be used in May, family vacation in the Philippines. It is hot there and the sandals that I am buying are so perfect. I did mention that I am no longer spending much because of the said vacation but here I am spend here and there. I just can't help myself everytime I see something that I like and been longing to have. Anyhow, I already have my own savings for the trip. It ain't a big deal.


  1. ganahan kaayo ko Lir! cutie kaayo color, pero oi, di man ko angayan ana nga color oi. taman ra jud ko sa black, brown, red, ug white. akong tiil di na maayo tan-awon kung other color. hahaha! nice jud na pang-summer ba!
