Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Gift from Mr. Jesse. A talking Asian doll that she loves the most.

Good morning, ya'll!

Feels good to wake smelling the newly baked cookies. The hubby exerted effort on baking after a long night at work. The lil one and I woke up a bit late.

Breakfast was followed by gift opening. The lil one got tons of gifts from relatives and friends. I got some from in-laws and cash from hubby as requested lol. I want cash that I can buy what I want instead of receiving stuff that I don't need and dislike. The hubby got some stuff from his parents, too. I gave him four pairs of socks lol. Not a sweet gift prob'ly but he needs to replace his old ones. Early greetings through cards were received from friends and we thanked them for the thought.

Hope you had a great one!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry X'mas to one and all!

Tonight is the eve of Christ's birth. Supposedly, we are having our first family dinner. Unfortunately, the hubby has to work. So it's just me and the 'lil one in this quiet home. Too bad the rain is flooding the earth, too. Thus, I hear no fireworks at all! I peeked at the window and saw nothing but darkness on the road and a dim light at neighbors' home. I wonder what's going on why most Americans are not celebrating the birth of Christ? Why they are not as excited as I am? Why Halloween is more to be celebrated than tonight's event? Another thing to think about while compelling myself to embrace America's culture and lifestyle.

What's making me more sad is that I got nothing from my family back home (Philippines). No card! No hi, hello! No greetings! How cruel these people are? Why am I expecting in the first place when I shouldn't? I have given my greetings and gifts so early and here I am waiting for nothing. I guess it's best to let go and think of the blessings I have.

Thirty more minutes and it's officially the 25th of December 2009! So before that happens, I will be rushing to the 'lil one's bedroom. She is asleep. I wanna celebrate Christmas beside the most wonderful gift I have from HIM. Oh well, I don't intend to stay long on my PC. I better go!

Hope you had a great Christmas!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Snowy night in Prairieville

Yepeeey! It snowed! Yes, I am a bit crazy when it comes to this. Snow is so rare here in the South and when it comes, everybody are so into it.

The snow lasted for just an hour. Good thing the hubby stopped by while at work to spend the snowy night with us. The ground was flooding and was freaking cold but it didn't stop us going out of the house. THe neighbors were happily screamin while playing with the snow.

It did snow last year. People around here said that it comes once every 8-10 years but the prediction was broke when it snowed for an hour last night. Was it global warming? or just a myth? I dunno! Hopefully, snow would visit again next year and yes I want it to last for hours during the day that the 'lil one could play. I will then take pictures of her lol.