Becoming a mother taught me to be more responsible. If not because of the 'lil one who loves to eat and eat, I wouldn't be spending much time in my kitchen. Mind you that she doesn't eat sweets like cakes, pastries, candies, etc. Among her favorites are rice, sauce or stock from the meats (no meats in her plate), crushed vegies, yogurt, fruits and bread. Seldom she eats crackers and would barely tolerate juice(because it's sweet). I love the way my kid chooses her food. Pretty much, I see her future as a healthy kid.
I love cooking. Doing it enhances the cook in me. Oftentimes, I need no measuring tools, instead, I do estimates. I have become accustomed of how much is needed for a certain dish. In fairness, each food I cook and bake comes out perfect in texture and taste, that's according to hubby and my number one eater, lil one.
Below are result photos of the adventures I have in my kitchen...
Wow! You do work wonders in the kitchen! I like the humba but don't know how to cook it ; (