Everytime I tune my television in to HGTV channel, I can't help myself but to start rearranging my living room furniture. My living room underwent makeover starting from the ceilings to floorings early this summer. I am so impressed with my do-it-yourself job as well as my choice of home decors and furnishings that I can't wait to move on to my next project -- the kitchen!
Yes, my kitchen needs a makeover. I want something contemporary with a touch of industrial. My cabinetry needs refurnishing and new hardwares. Along with the change are tons of details such as a new and huge stainless steel kitchen sink with faucet and dispenser. The kitchen top is laminated, hence, I want it to be transformed to or replaced with granite or concrete. I have a picture of my dream kitchen in my mind that needs to be put on black and white.
My dream kitchen makeover won't be completed without putting in new stainless steel refrigerator, microwave oven, stainless steel oven and other small kitchen appliances and tools. One thing for sure when this dream of mind will push through, I will check out http://home-and-garden.become.com. The e-store has a wide variety of products to offer for a shopper/decorator like me.