Monday, May 10, 2010

Roller coaster life

Over a decade ago, when my parents are fairly needing financial help, people including relatives despised us as their own. For them, we're nothing but a pure trash. My Aunts treated us as their maids watching over their kids and cleaning their mess for 10Php, a small amount of money for those big jobs for kids. Delicious foods were on their table and they would just let us watch 'em eating. There were so many heartbreaking instances that I opted not to disclose anymore. They could have offered compassion or just simply grasp the situation that my father, a former member of the Philippine army, fed six children and sent each kid to school then. Whatever was left after paying tons of bills and buying one's necessities is just a penny. Oh those days remind me of how cruel the world can be.

My parents sacrifices are paid off. We have a better life now than before. Daddy is now a retiree after  spending 30 years of his life in the service. He is now enjoying his fruit of labor with Mamang. My three brothers are in the military as well, not having that better life but at least surviving life. I and younger sister are married to non-Filipinos and living abroad but prior to that, promising careers were on our way before we met our husbands.  Only the youngest is staying at my parents house and will soon be graduating from college taking BSBiology. Mind you that we all went to different private schools that caused my parents an arm and leg.  Now, just imagine how much money were spent after each success in school. Just exclude me, younger sis and older brother for we went to college free of tuition fees.

The wheel does not stay in the same direction and guess what's happening now, those cruel people are living the life that we had before. They are asking  for money and groceries and my compassionate Mamang would just give in that quick. We are most recognized now. Tell you that my  Uncle  chats with us online and offers this and that. Gestures that did not exist before are so visible nowadays. What the heck! I guess they want something, it could be money.

I know it is a sin to condemn my relatives and those who gave us more hard times while were struggling but I can not help myself but to feel that way. You know how it feels to be ignored by families. All those years of disregards still hurt me. It could have been better if the moral support was there regardless of sufferings. If the treatment's fair enough.

On my trip to the Philippines this May, I am certain those people will be at my parents house asking for gifts and money. I can see it clearly. They act like that before when I was still working at a mining company and even went to my office to ask for money at that.  Oh life! Ain't that embarrassing?

Anyhow, I would love to end this post wishing all mothers a Happy Mother's Day.