It's been a while since the last time I stepped on this blog. My online duties are barely done in a day as I have my own priority -- the 'lil one. It gotten worse when the 'lil girl started walking, talking and very mobile. Everytime I am on my computer, there she goes and wants to to do what I am up to. If I am typing, she wants the keys, if I am browsing, she wants the mouse.
Anyway, I have a great opportunity to update you here. THe 'lil one is actually awake and she's in her room watching Sprout. Once her favorite show is over, she'll be here right quick. Oh yah, she has her own mind now. She knows what she wants and will hold a grudge if she dislikes what you tell her to do. Pardon this 'lil girl's attitude. The hubby and I are on the process of correcting her. Sometimes she remembers that it ain't good but most of the time, she'll do what she wants. Well, she is still a year old. She'll learn and understand in time.
So what I've been up to lately?
The hubby and I are on diet and that limits us from dining out. We had a couple of free days already, not looking forward of having one though. It messes me up and makes me want to eat unhealthy foods all the time. It will take time before free day happens again.
Alright, the Sprout show is over now. I can hear the footsteps of the 'lil one. I have to go before she'll press the keys and delete this post.
See yah later alligator.